FIDIC’s key role and that of its Member Associations worldwide is to improve quality of life through the promotion of quality, integrity and sustainability in the infrastructure industry.
FIDIC has published a Code of Ethics and promotes a strict no corruption policy. FIDIC forms of Contract defend integrity rules. Complementary toools have been developed by FIDIC like the FIDIC Integrity Management System (FIMS). Recently FIDIC has published Guidelines for Integrity Management System in the Consulting Industry 1st Ed (2015) Part 2, FIMS Procedures.
FIDIC has observed that corrupt practices can occur at all stages of the procurement process, in the marketing of engineering services; during the design; in preparing tender documents (including specifications); in pre-qualifying tenderers; in evaluating tenders; in supervising the performance of those carrying out the construction; issuing of payment certificates to contractors; and making decisions on contractors’ claims. Hence, anti-courruption management must be available at all times.
Special markups for country risk (e.g. stable legal environment, corruption) can be avoided.
The FIDIC Integrity Management Committee (IMC) promotes and market the use of FIDIC’s Integrity Management System (FIMS) and Government Procurement Integrity Management System (GPIMS) as effective tools for curving the supply side of corruption. The IMC is responsible for the update of FIMS and GPIMS and developing friendlier and more marketable tools that can be adopted at least cost to the firms and procurement agencies. They follow up and support FIMS and GPIMS training and implementation programs among Member Associations’ consulting firms and selected procurement units.
Besides training on the practical use of FIDIC forms of Contract and the avoidance of corruption while administering the contract is available. THis Training includes the the use of FIMS and contract tools, like monthly reports, comtemporary records, determination of claims, etc.
The laws may provide for specific Audits and other means. In particular anti-corruption legislation may result in intensive audits and investigations. It is therefore a means of self-protection to comply with contract procedures, to keep records and to insist on motivated decisions and determinations. Even any semblance and false impression of arbitrary (or merely careless) Contract management should be avoided. Side effects like increased learning curves are welcome.
Dr. Hök has conducted FIDIC Integrity Management trainings on behalf of various FIDIC Member Associations.
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10585 Berlin
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