Throughout the world the use of FIDIC forms of Contract can be observed. However, the use of FIDIC forms of Contract requires care and diligence since the contract wording and the underlying concepts are embedded in law. In any case, basically only English common law helps to explain the English FIDIC wording in a legal context regardless of what had been agreed as the proper law of the contract.
Thus, legal skills are welcome. However, FIDIC conditions are written by engineers for engineers. Most of the wording is related to engineering and engineering skills. FIDIC -as the International Federation of Consulting Engineers- had always in mind to provide the industry with a document reflecting best practice on site.
Thus, FIDIC forms of contract require legal and engineering skills at the same time. Also practical experience of lawyers and engineers is very important. However, unfortunately also a lot of bad experience is available throughout the world. Hence, training on the proper use of FIDIC forms of contract is important and a key element of success. FIDIC understands training also as a part of ist intensive capacity building and knowledge transfer programmes.
FIDIC itself and its Member Associations (for example ACET, ACEK, ACEB, Cecophil, VBI, AJCE, Inkindo, IRSCE etc.) undertake great efforts to disseminate knowledge and capacity. FIDIC has run a programme for the development of training capacities in developing regions. It also provides a reseau of FIDIC accredited trainers and is involved in the development of training materials.
The current FIDIC Training encompasses bascially four individual modules:
Module 1 Practical Use of FIDIC Conditions of Contract
Module 2 Claims & Disputes
Module 3 Dispute Resolution (Dispute Adjudication)
Module 4 Contract Management
Training is available for the 1999 suite of contracts (Red Book, Yellow Book, Silver Book) as well as for the 2017 suite of contracts (Red Book, Yellow Book, Silver Book). Additional trainings can be held on procurement, the FIDIC White Book, the FIDIC Subcontracts 2011 and 2019.
Only accredited FIDIC Trainers have been authorised to conduct such official FIDIC trainings. The list of accredited Trainers is available on the FIDIC Website. These trainers have the eclusive right to certify attendance at trainings by using the FIDIC logo.
Further FIDIC trainings are of course available. Sebastian Hök has held various other trainings like on
Transparency and Integrity Management under FIDIC forms of Contract
Module 0 (White Book), 4th and 5th Edition
Module 1 Advanced
Module 2 Advanced
Module 3 Advanced
- Green Book
Gold Book
EPCT Silver Book
MDB harmonised Version
FIDIC Subcontract
Workshops on Claims & Disputes
Sebastian Hök is the former past Chairperson of the FIDIC Trainers´ Assessment Panel (2011-2016), a fully accredited FIDIC trainer, and also an adjudicator listed on the FIDIC President´s List and a FIDIC Legal advisor. Bespoke training programmes are available on demand. Sebastian Hök has conducted FIDIC Trainings in various parts of the world, for instance in Botswana, Croatia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Qatar, Serbia, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda.
Normally FIDIC trainings go along with the provision of the respective FIDIC materials like guides and books. However, the trainers may provide participants with complementary information or papers like checklists, training leaflets and explanatory notes and cases. Also Workshops are available on demand.
Sebastian Hök provides participants with such complementary materials like checklists, leaflets and flowcharts and country reports, if possible. These materials will be continuously updated.
in 2020 Leuphana University has established International Contract Administration Engineer Certificate Course. The International Contract Administration Engineer certificate programme at Leuphana University is divided into three modules, each consisting of 18 units of 90 minutes each. You will receive a practical assignment during your home study period so that you can immediately test the knowledge you have gained. At the end of the course you will be tested in respect of each module. Leuphana University is specializing in the education of engineers. It is based in the North of Germany close to Hamburg. The first programme with students from Africa, Europe, Middle East and Asia was successfully completed in 2021.
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